Fashion, just like beauty, has always been a relative concept. What is fashionable for one, may not be for another. What is hot for one fashion expert, may be totally cold for another. Even though people have different taste when it comes to fashion, it does not mean that one can get away with a fashion crime without being chased by the style police. In short, there are certain universal guidelines to be followed when it comes to fashion. Its also true that one effective way of improving your style is by wearing the perfect watch on your wrist. Even though we all know that wrist watches have the practical function of telling time, we also know that they are a lot more than that. They are also excellent accents to ones overall look and can greatly make a difference between a polished style and one that you just dont want to look at. Here are some tips on how to be fashionable with wrist watches: 1. Buy the right kind of wrist watch. Keep in mind that your goal is improving your fashion sense and you will not be able to accomplish that if you make a wrong watch choice. It is therefore imperative that you spend time and effort in shopping for a fine watch to ensure that you make the right decision. To help you buy the right watch, choose something that will be reflective of your personality (simple casual watches for the laid back you), and select features that will help you in your occupation or be useful to your lifestyle (elegant dive watches if you are a diver). 2. Select the right watch for the occasion. If you have a collection of watches, the trick is to choose the right watch ideal for the occasion. A formal metal watch will seem out of place at a barbecue party in your neighbors backyard, whereas a casual leather watch is not ideal for a strictly formal gathering. However, if you happen to have only one watch, make sure it will be something that is safe and all right to wear whether its a casual or formal occasion. 3. Choose a watch tha t will complement your clothing style. Take a quick look into your closet and take note of areas of your fashion sense that need improvement. Select a wrist watch that will complement the type of clothing that you mostly wear. For instance, a nice classic leather watch of a neutral color will be a refreshing break from the usual loud colors. 4. Opt for a wrist watch that you will be comfortable wearing. Even if a fashion magazine dictates that the hottest trends in watches are those that have large faces, but if you are not comfortable with that, you must not force yourself to join the trend. The general rule is that you should only follow trends that fit your style and it should be something that you are comfortable with. Wearing the right kind of watch is one step towards becoming a more fashionable you, one that youve always wanted yourself to become.
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