London is a place with great history in the field of fashion. It is one of the favorite locations of any person related to fashion. We cannot ignore the contribution of fashion schools in London fashion industry. These well-known fashion schools have a good reputation in the production of top designers in shoe design, men's clothing, women's clothing, etc. They also have professionals in areas such as fashion photography, fashion merchandising, fashion journalism, and lot more. If you are a student in fashion in London, you can learn pattern cutting, garment production, designing in both manual and digital formats, the history of fashion, etc. Most of the school is well equipped with most modern equipments. Besides all these advantages, you will be able to make a contact with successful working designers, as many tutors usually are well designers in the fashion world. Therefore, it will be a good step from your side in deciding to study fashion in London if you are interes ted in this field. Fashion shows are becoming common in London. Fashion shows are event conducted by different fashion designers to display his or her upcoming line of clothing. Many models are use by these designers for presenting there designs. Models strutting catwalks at London Fashion Week can mislead you to a conclusion that they are all of good health, but report acknowledges that there are problem with eating disorders among models. Therefore, this is an area of great job opportunity. With the arrival of new designs, cuts, colors, fabrics, and sizes ethical fashion industry, organic clothing, etc is getting a new boom. The rising awareness among the people is helping in the promotion of products under fair trade market. Ethical clothes are also becoming common among people. Considering this change in trend now many top designers where concentrating in the production of new designs in ethical clothing.Now with the domination of internet, people are able to see and cho ose the style they like. People also have the opportunity to watch different live fashion shows through the internet. It also provides various people a chance to talk with the fashion experts and clear there doubts about fashion. It also brings all the latest new on the industry. Environmental fashion is another upcoming trend in the industry. Young talent is showcased and is awarded. For example, Fashion Fringe, Man and Fashion East are a part of the London Fashion Week. The process of providing new graduates first step on the ladder by exposing them to the press also takes place in these kinds of fashion shows. Yet anew trend is the Fashion label designing for beautiful women's clothes using unusual fabrics and prints has been attracting several international clientele and celebrity to the London fashion show these days.At present, the most wanted person of the London fashion industry is that of the designers. This is because of the reason that celebrities know that they w here being judged the world's population by what they are wear on different occasion. For this reason alone, they turn to designers for help. Therefore, if you are interested in choosing fashion designing, London fashion industry awaits you.
A former fashion design graduate from Central Saint Martins, Jane Goldsmith wanted to create an innovative and directional shop which specialized in Ethical Fashion
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