Friday, February 24, 2012

Four Holiday Fashion Mistakes You Don't Want to Make

It's time to celebrate the holiday season and for many people this means a whirlwind of parties and social events. You want to look your best at these affairs which means knowing what to wear. Sometimes wearing the most trendy, eye catching outfit in your closet isn't the best move. Here are holiday party fashion mistakes many women make:

Holiday Party Fashion Mistake: Overdressing

This is a very common fashion faux pas. Instead of being understatedly elegant, some women pull out all the stops for a party by wearing the most flamboyant outfit in their closet. You don't want to look conspicuous by being the most overdressed person at the party. When in doubt, opt for a stylish black suit or a black or neutral shade of dress and keep some glitzy accessories in your pocketbook you can put on at a moment's notice. It's generally more tasteful to be a bit understated.

Holiday Party Fashion Mistake: Dressing uncomfortably

Some parties are going to active with lots of lively music and dancing. If you're wearing six inch stiletto heels with a narrow pointed toe which you can barely walk in, you're not going to be able to dance or enjoy the party. You may end up spending the evening on the sidelines nursing your aching feet. Of course you want to look stylish but opt for clothes and shoes that at least allow you to participate in the activities.

Holiday Party Fashion Mistake: Revealing too much skin

Particularly at an office or work related party, you don't want to reveal your hidden assets. This is not the time to pull that bustier that's been gathering dust in the back of your closet out to wear to your company party. Neither is it the time for your micro miniskirt with the fishnet stockings and six inch heels. You'll attract more positive attention and draw more compliments if you're tastefully clothed in more elegant party attire.

Holiday Party Fashion Mistake: Overplaying the glitz

Some women use a party as an excuse to pull out their sequined dresses and metallic pants. While a bit of glitter and glitz has its place, too much can be overwhelming. When you combine a glitzy outfit with large, shiny accessories and heavy party makeup, you can end up creating an impression you don't want to make. Try the more tasteful approach of dressing simply and adding glitz with your accessory choices. A dramatic crystal necklace and eye catching earrings can add drama to even the simples of dresses.

By choosing your holiday fashion attire appropriately, you'll create a positive impression with your friends and coworkers and can still enjoy all of the fun holiday events.


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