Sunday, May 26, 2013

Vintage Clothes are back in the Fashion World - Shopping - Clothing

Have you ever noticed how clothing for girls and guys seems to follow a pattern. The fashion industry changes direction at the blink of an eye, but much of what is viewed as fashionable is just a new twist on old favorites. I'm not simply referring to kids who specifically go out of their way to sport a "retro" look, but rather the fact that fashion in general is a revolving door. It's not all that way, of course - actual new ideas do emerge and take hold on occasion - but much of what is considered trendy is pulled from a past decade.

The kids don't want to look exactly like their parents or even older siblings, so their tastes change and fashion designers and clothing stores scramble to stay fresh by bringing the old back, as some crazy kid in a life preserver once said, to the future.

"The nature of fashion is that it's a living entity. It's based on looking forward," said Trent Bush, a professor of fashion design and merchandising. Bush continued, "People and their interests change and designers scramble to capture them. It's about constant transitions."

"There's nothing new under the sun," Bush stated. "Everything in the fashion world is remolded and refashioned on the timeline. There's what we call the 20-year cycle. The '70s styles come back in the '90s and so on. Yet now these trends are all simultaneously cycling and coming into play at the same time."

The fashions on display in many kids clothes stores might look like a wild kaleidoscope of decades to adults, but it's exciting in both a vintage and fresh sort of way for teens. They didn't live through the '60s, '70s and '80s, and so they don't remember these clothes being in vogue. Still, they've seen old movies and TV shows and have some idea of where some of these styles originated.

Part of the reason that so many various decades and styles are colliding in the closets of today's teens is the global and historical reach they now have access to. It's so easy for anyone to hop onto the internet and gain access to fashions throughout the decades. Many attribute the eclectic nature of today's clothing for girls and guys to both the web, and the younger generation's desire to break away from the uptight, segregated nature of fashion that the last two generations went through.

Whatever the reasoning is, kids are feeling liberated by today's fashions and they love it. So don't be surprised when you see teens dressed in a mixture of different styles that don't seem quite right: that's fashion.

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